Capturing Key Data Overview
Using the Chart(x) E.H.R. to manage your workflow and qualify for incentive payments
The key to successfully qualifying for incentive funds is dependent on the practices ability to capture the appropriate patient information so it can be formatted properly in the reports required by the reporting agencies.
Key patient information not always captured by all specialties at patient registration are:
1. Did the Patient Provide Advanced Directives
2. The Patients Preferred method of being contacted
3. The Patients Preferred Language
4. The Patients Ethnicity
5. The Patients Race
6. Would the Patient like electronic based access to their records
7. Was the Patient given timely access to their records or clinical summary (within 3 days)
8. Was the Patient given Medication Reconciliation when requested
9. Does the Patient Smoke
10. Was the Patient provided with smoking cessation resources
11. Was the Patient provided with patient specific education resources
12. Was the Patient provided with a summary of care when requested
13. Was the Patient provided with timely reminders in the format requested (ex: telephone, email, paper mail).